
Welcome to Green Room Web Design

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Welcome to the Template Store!

Save time and money by selecting one of our pre-designed templates!


aquaticsThis template features a blue color scheme and can be easily customized for any website topic. Make a splash!


Blue Mesa

bluemesaBlueMesa features a high-tech theme and includes a large home page feature area. Template is perfect for any line of work.


Chamber of Commerce

cocThis template is perfect for chambers of commerce, resident recruitment or other community development websites.



dotcomA simple and easy to look at template for any field. Easy to read, easy to navigate, and easy to use.



bluemesaEon has an easy to use menu and a simple user interface that is easy to use and still extremely funtional. Great for any profession!


bluemesaFeuxjo (Fo-jo) is a very customizable template that includes sidebars, and a great menu for wasy navigation. Very SEO friendly!


Foral NIche

bluemesaOur floral niche template has a generic floral header image, multi-level drop-down navigation, and multiple sidebar navigation.


Fruit Company

bluemesaThis Apple-like template features many types of content containers in different column configurations. Perfect for teachers!



bluemesaOur greenshades template has excellent menu navigation as well as an easy to use interface that will keep your vsitors coming back!


bluemesaHorsepower is a template geared toward car enthusiasts, but can easily be customized to any profession for a sleek look.


Red Niche

bluemesaOur red niche template was built for SEO topics and is easily customizable with multi-level drop-down navigation, and multiple sidebar navigation styles.


bluemesaSolVista was inspired while on vacation in Colorado, but it can be easily customized for any niche.



bluemesaSublime is one of our more popular templates. An optional home page feature area can showcase a product or service.



bluemesaTrellian features multi-level navigation and a simple yet very functional user interface. Great for multiple professions!


bluemesaVacation is designed to showcase travel and tourism. However, it can easy be altered to highlight the greats of whatever it is that you do!



bluemesaOur zoomba templates have are generic templates with multi-level drop-down navigation, and multiple sidebar navigation.



bluemesaOur zoomba templates have are generic templates with multi-level drop-down navigation, and multiple sidebar navigation.



bluemesaOur zoomba templates have are generic templates with multi-level drop-down navigation, and multiple sidebar navigation.

What now?

Remember which template you like, and sign up today!

How much are the templates?

All of the templates in the template store are $150, which includes changing all of the pages to suit your website needs.


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